2024 job openings:

- Customer Support Manager
- C/C++ Software Developer

Great freedom in solving challenging software questions.

Small team of highly skilled software engineers.

Lots of opportunties to learn and improve your value.

Location: Eindhoven and your home office

Good financial reward.

Click for more information.

Prolong the life of your legacy hardware based software

Protect your investment in the software that runs your primary business processes.
Move your applications away from old, no longer supported hardware, to modern systems, Virtual Machines or Cloud.

All without making software changes! Low risk! Minimal effort! High return!



Move your AlphaServer based software to modern platforms.

DEC/Compaq/HP AlphaServers, the IT-workhorse from 1997 onwards, carries application software that runs business crtitical processes. And still does today. Everyone is happy with that, but the risks of that old hardware breaking down beyond repair grows by the day.

Eliminate that risk and move your Alpha-based software to a modern platform (X86, Virtual Machine or Cloud) without changing the original software. Click here to learn more.

DEC VAX computers old? Yes!   Obsolete? No!

VAX computers still quietly run many important applications. So important that owners don't dare to touch them for fear of breaking things. But the old hardware (1970-2000) may break down any day now and repair is next to impossible. AVTware lets you run VAX software on modern platforms, with minimal changes, lowering the risks of transition. Learn more here.



Run Sparc Solaris on X86, VM or Cloud.

Move away from the old Sun Sparc systems by moving their software to modern platforms without making actual software changes. Simply copy the Sparc disk content to newer systems and continue to run your valuable software. Learn more here.