Try it in your own environment

Alpha, VAX and Sparc virtualization is something that really works. Many Alpha/VAX/Sparc computer owners have preceded you using our solution to move away from the old and now fragile Alpha/VAX/Sparc hardware, moving their OpenVMS , Tru64 or Solaris environments to modern hardware, Virtual Machines or even the Cloud. All without making changes to their existing software and their processes.

It is a quick and effective solution that certainly can fix your problem with running your important software on aged hardware.

We fully understand that before you make the move from physical (Alpha/VAX/Sparc) to virtual you like to determine whether it really applies to your situation and that it is safe to use. Your software runs your business operations and you don't want to take risks with that.

Therefore we offer multiple services that will help you with the decision process.

First of all we offer online seminars to show you how our solution works and which way it can be best implemented in your organization.

We also offer evaluation licenses to let you run the virtual Sparc, Alpha and VAX machines in your own IT-infrastructure.

And we can support you in the trial and implementation process.

All accessible from your own workplace. No need to travel, just let us know you are interested and we will help you.

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